Monday 29 November 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 17 Teaser pt. II

“Edward,” Bella said in a stern voice. He hadn’t even noticed her in the kitchen. He looked up at her, blurry eyed and weak. He didn’t think he had it in him to cry again, but watching what he couldn’t have standing there was almost too much.

He looked away from her.

“Edward!” she shouted. The loudness startled him.

He looked at her, pained and perturbed. His tone of voice turned almost spiteful. “What has he said now then, Isabella? Is he going to lock you up inside the house and throw away the key? Is he…”

Edward stopped as he looked properly at Bella’s face. She looked absolutely terrified. Her face was completely tear-stained – but even more so than when he had been in the room with her. She had put her clothes on but she looked an absolute mess. Her eyes weren’t meeting his. She was fidgeting, she was hunched, she was scared and something was seriously wrong.

“Isabella?” Edward asked, leaning into her. “What is it?”

She looked at him, her eyes bloodshot and scared. “We have to leave.”

“What do you mean? Leave where? What did your father say?”

Bella rushed over to him frantically, pulling him from the chair. “We don’t have time, Edward! We have to go right NOW. Please, get in the car!”

Edward laughed as if bemused. “What’s the matter? If you’re father is angry about you coming over here then I will talk to him, I promise but please just tell me…”

Bella pinched Edwards arms as hard as she could so that he would stop talking. “Please, Edward. We need to go right now. It’s not my dad, it’s a lot worse. We need to get out of Forks right this minute or… or…”

“Or what?” Edward said, reaching over to the side for his car keys.

“Or I could be in a lot of danger.”


The new chapter is a little dramatic, but let's face it are there any chapters in this story sans-drama? Er, no. ANYWAY, almost finished writing this - sorry I've been so MIA. The new chapter should be up either today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading.


Friday 19 November 2010

Where have all the updates gone?!

I can imagine that a lot of people are thinking: "What the hell has happened to you? Why stopped updating?" In fact, I've had many people writing to me and asking why I have stopped writing and am I still continuing. Well, the answer to that is - I am still continuing!

I realise that there have been some authors who have pulled their stories from and Twilighted because of a so-called database that collects fanfic stories and stores them so in case an author decides to publish that story, there is a place you can still read it for free.

I can understand why many readers will be disappointed with the authors for pulling their fics when they haven't been completed yet (I am sad at the end for Finding Bella by ekimmuh - it was one of my favourites!) but really, look at it from an author's point of view and try to understand what they're going through.

Writing Fanfiction, as I'm sure a lot of you will know, is extremely time consuming. Yes, you can complain about all these authors not updating enough, but imagine balancing a busy real life with writing! Professional authors don't finish a novel in a few days, it takes years to get it just right - as does Fanfiction. A lot of time and hard work goes into these stories and you guys get to read it for free. We don't get paid for writing Fanfiction and yet there are authors out there who are getting paid a bloody load of royalties for published work that in some cases, is worse than Fanfiction.

So, my view on this database is that if the authors want to pull the story because they could potentially be making a sum of money on their work, then so be it. It's a luxury that we can read these high quality stories for free so if the story stops, that's just bad luck for the readers I'm afraid. However, there is a silver lining in this cloud. If the author is pulling them to publish the story, then hopefully we can rightfully buy the book in the future!

So before you have a go at these authors, put yourself in their shoes! For all you readers & especially reviewers out there, imagine if you were told that your reviews were worth I don't know, a few hundred each, just so long as you took them off a website? You'd do it, wouldn't you?

Anyway, those are just my views. I've seen some abuse some authors are getting for this and I don't think it's right.

On the brighter side, I'm settling into my new job and new life now, so I'm planning on getting the Fanfiction back and running as of next week/beginning of December. Thank you all for being so patient.


Wednesday 13 October 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 17 Teaser!

I've been a bit MIA recently, and I'm so sorry! I've actually dropped out (sort of) from university because I was pushed into a course that I didn't want to do, so now I'm working my arse off for papers and charities, so that I can go for something a lot better next year - which means I am busy busy busy! However, I will do my best to update as hopefully, I should be studying Journalism next year.

Anyway, here is a teaser to keep you entertained in the mean time!


“Isabella,” he whispered again, trying to soothe her. Guilt came over him as he pondered on whether he had gone too far.

“Bella, Bella, Bella,” he tried, hoping that using the name that other’s called her might calm her down.

But it didn’t.

She wasn’t just sniffling into his chest, no, she was properly crying; actual sobs were coming from her. He held her face gently and brought it out from hiding in his chest. It pained him to see her face so tearstained and indignant. “What’s wrong, love? Please, why are you crying?”

She sniffed a few times before finally answering. It was hard to make out what she was saying when she was crying so much. “Everything…everything is just going wrong,” she sobbed. “Everything was so perfect….and now, well, it isn’t.”

Edward rubbed her arms, still holding her to his chest. “Isabella, I am so sorry. I thought you wanted… I wasn’t sure… I’m so sorry I did that. Oh God, I’m sorry.”

“No!” she screamed, which startled Edward. “That was perfect. That was everything I could have ever wished for. Its just now, we can’t ever do that again. Never.”

He sighed and pulled her back into his chest. “Oh, Isabella…” he sighed. “Don’t say such silly things.”

She sat back, and pushed away from him. “Well, what do you want me to say, Edward? We love each other and we can’t be together. You know, I may not have any experience with this kind of thing, or even know anyone who has, but I’ve, well, I’ve read enough books to know that there have been many situations like ours, and everyone always ends up okay. But us? Why can’t we? Why does nothing ever go right? I just want to love you, I want people to accept me and us, but after all my dad’s been through…”

“After all your dad’s been through? Really, Isabella?” Edward said, his voice raised. “Will you stop just thinking about your dad for once?”

She opened her mouth, shocked that Edward would say such a thing. He, of all people, should know how much family meant. “Edward, I can’t believe…”

“Look, I didn’t mean it like that. But he isn’t the only person involved in this. In fact, from my point of view, this relationship is only between two people – you and I.”

Bella thought for a moment, being silenced momentarily by the truth of Edward’s words. “But it still affects my dad. He worries what people will think of me – and you! There’s still Rose, and Honey, and Irina… and the whole town! There’s something not right about it all… it just… well…”

“So what? Are you really going to give up one thing that makes you happy just because of these people? Or is there something else holding you back? Because I think if you loved someone as much as you say you do, there wouldn’t be anything holding you back. So, please… enlighten me.”

“You don’t believe me?” Bella gave a loud and exasperated sigh. “Okay, so I don’t care about Irina and Rose as much as I used to. I’m not as scared of them as I was, okay? But my dad…he has been through a lot.”

“What about you? Have you not been through a lot? Are you honestly going to risk ever being happy so you won’t hurt your father?” Edward asked, attempting not to burst with frustration. He knew Bella was still fragile and couldn’t risk breaking her.

Bella then spoke softly and quietly, as if to herself. “It’s a little different than just hurting him. Everything with my mom…well, it’s complicated. I just know that he couldn’t bear to lose me, not after the way my mom was taken,” she sighed, her eyes welling up with tears again. Before she knew it, she was back into Edward’s arms and he was soothing her.

“Ssh,” Edward appeased.

“So it can’t be okay, Edward. How could I do that to my father out of choice?” she sobbed.

Edward stroked her hair. “Sometimes you have to do things for yourself, Isabella. I know he’s mad at the moment, but sometimes for love you have to…”

“My mom…” Bella began. “She loved someone before... and then she died.”


Hmmmmm lots of drama, I can assure you! See ya soon,

New Facebook Page

You know those pages on Facebook where EVERYONE "likes" them? Yeah, well, now you can "like" ME! Muahahaha.

All you have to do is follow the link below and "like" it!

And no, this isn't just an ego boost where I'm doing this because I don't have any friends (I do have them, honest!) but you can actually ask me anything on here and use the discussion boards on the page to ask me questions on the story or ask other people what they think of something. It's pretty cool!

Plus, I will be posting loads of things on there. I find that Facebook is pretty much the easiest thing to use for me, so I can post links for when I update, photos that go with any of the stories and anything else that might be pleasing!

So I hope you "like" me (haha) and hope we can get Facebooking soon! Au revoir!


Friday 10 September 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 16 Teaser II

Here is another teaser from Unexpectedly Chapter 16: The Goodbye a.k.a. smoocha-cheesy-kissy-fluff-a-thon.

I should be updating the full chapter on tomorrow and also closely following. Enjoy until then!


“I think… I think I am ready…for more,” she said after a while, with added determination. Then she seemed hesitant about what to say next. “I just want… to love you.”

She saw Edward put this together slowly in his mind, and then she saw actual tears come to his eyes. Edward had been brought up to think that he was never allowed to cry – that wasn’t manly – no matter what happened to him. He was supposed to remain strong and composed. But he had sat up and turned his back to Bella now, and it seemed that he was breathing slowly and deeply for a very long time.

And then he picked her up and she held on tightly to his broad shoulders. He lay her down tenderly again. He looked into her eyes as she looked lovingly back into his, which made him say, without thinking, “Isabella, tell me what you want me to do. Even if it’s impossible, I’ll do it. I swear it. Tell me.”

All the words that Bella wanted to say were lodged inside of her, as if just before the entrance to her mouth. Her eyes spilled tears, which Edward dabbed off with his fingers, as if he could ruin a priceless painting by touching it too roughly.

Then Bella turned her face up to look at him, her eyes wide and almost ochre in the setting sunlight that was passing through the window of Edward’s bedroom. She then shut her eyes and then pursed her lips slightly. She wanted to kiss him again. Edward groaned.

“If I start now, I’m afraid that I will lose control. I know how much you have progressed, Isabella – I have seen it with my own eyes. But it’s only been two months since you have started experiencing life, love. I can’t take advantage of you. I won’t let myself.”

Her eyes willed him on. Her body willed him on. She traced the hemline of his collar on his shirt and bit her lip. It was suggestive in the most modest way, but completely irresistible. She followed her finger slowly with her eyes, and then she looked back at him.

“I can’t…”

She gazed at him with pleading eyes – the eyes that had lured him in on the day he had first met her; the same eyes that had carried so much pain and disorientation which now only contained longing and love. If she could have spoken at that moment, he was sure that she would have told him that she loved him and would do anything for him, and that he should do that same.


Wednesday 25 August 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 16 Teaser

Beware: this is a pretty steamy teaser. And yes, this is from the right story.
Have fun!


Then there was the awkward silence again. Both of them returned back to their meals, but Bella was no longer hungry. In fact, she felt a little bit queasy. It frustrated her copiously that she couldn’t reciprocate what Edward had just said, so she fought furiously with her mind to let herself at least show him that she felt the same way.

She put her fork down which made a clank sound so loud that Edward paused mid-mouthful. He chewed the remaining food in his mouth as he watched Bella, wide-eyed, getting up from her chair and looking at him intently with her large brown eyes. For one second, he could have sworn that they were almost lustful, but he knew that they were definitely determined, anyhow. The thought of her excited him, and the electric current that they both regularly felt made a return with a full-forced impact. Edward sat still waiting for the shock.

Bella leaned towards him, her hair falling in front of her, which would have formed a curtain if Edward hadn’t impulsively tucked her hair behind her ears. They both stared at each other; love, adoration and yes, it was definitely lust, Edward had decided, radiated between them. Edward wanted to hold Bella so tight to him and never let go, but his arms were not moving from her face yet. As she leaned closer, he grasped her jaw gently and let his thumb trace her nose, down to her lips, to sweep lightly across her chin and jaw line before pausing to look into her eyes. She was the most beautiful girl, no woman, he had ever seen.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he made the final closure between his and her lips.

A kiss had never been so sweet. Bella had been pretty sure that no kiss could have beaten the ones they had shared already, even if there were few. However, this knocked them all off the chart. Their lips moved together as if made for each other. She sucked onto his bottom lip, while he nibbled lightly on her top lip. Soon, she was sitting on his lap, straddling him so that they could reach a higher level of contact, as if kissing finally wasn’t enough.


Woah, woah, woah.

Remember to follow this blog as I will be using it more.
Lots of love! ES

Sunday 22 August 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 15 Teaser II

I wanted to post the full chapter tonight but I am almost dead with exhaustion and because I live in the UK, there is a time difference and I can't stay awake that long to get the chapter back from the beta and edit it (trust me, I'm trying) so here is another sneak preview of what is to come.

Bella sighed after she had sent the message but in her view, there was nothing else she could do.
How could she leave her father after everything they had been through together? Obviously her heart and her mind belonged to Edward, but she couldn’t allow herself to be so egocentric. She knew that her father would have never left her in any clause, so she gave herself no sanction to do the same.

She cried that night into her pillow, almost hating her devotion to her father that allowed Edward’s lone departure. In a way, she felt selfish again, knowing that Edward had felt alone and that when they were together, she had helped to wipe that poignant emotion away. She felt melancholy as she remembered his pained look on the first day that she had met him when he had come into Crumbs, and then compared it to the look on his face after he had kissed her. She saw how contented she made him feel, and she knew that he made her feel exactly the same.

As she wept into her pillow, she regarded the bracelet that Edward had given her and she cried even harder. Why did everything with her have to be so distressing and complicated? For the first time since she had met Edward, she just wanted to be normal.

That night she dreamed of Edward Cullen. She dreamed of his touch and nothing else.


The full chapter will be posted when I wake up. Lots of love.

Saturday 21 August 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 15 Teaser

Hola people! Sorry I've taken so long with this stuff; I've been to Bulgaria, Spain and Geneva this month - I've literally had no time! I did write some in Geneva though and I am back now, and have got 2 chapters on hand. So I thought I would publish a teaser for chapter 15 before I whack up the whole thing after I've got it from the beta.

Enjoy! :)

Transparent thoughts were running through his head at an almost unthinkable speed. There didn’t seem to be any logical reasoning behind his current behaviour, yet irrational thoughts and premonitions were still transpiring. How was it that one person could make him act like this, despite his seeming repute for being conscientious, caring and completely based on reason?

It was stupid, well, he was being stupid – at present, anyway. His character seemed to be surprising himself at every turn since four months ago when he had found Rose in his bedroom in flagrante. However, the text message had been the most unanticipated so far, even for him. He couldn’t even tell whether his mind had even meant it or whether he had just become so desperate because he feared a loss. It wasn’t a loss like a twenty dollar bill or even a lost investment – it was a loss of his solace; a loss of one of the only things that was urging him to keep on going.

He had Honey, and of course that meant the world to him, but Bella brought him a different kind of sanctuary and succour to his life. Edward had always lived for Honey, but Honey a part of his family life with Rose. Although the association to his estranged wife didn’t make a difference to his unconditional love for his daughter, he found that his extraordinary relationship with Bella was almost something he could call his own: his personal delicate discovery.

Perhaps asking her to come to Seattle was completely unfounded, of course it was, but he was desperate. After that alarmingly terrifying conversation with her father, he became scared. All of a sudden, he was no longer the well renowned attorney with a confident facade and a brilliant persona; he was a scared little boy with no direction. Where was he supposed to go from here? It seemed specious to stay in Forks after a stern word with the Chief of Police, so Seattle seemed the perfect option. But was it right to leave Bella?

At first, yes, he had thought it would have been the best option: to leave her there before her feelings, like his, grew any more powerful or unfathomable. She could have made a clean start; she had only just turned eighteen, after all. Someone at that age would have treated it as a learning curve or a strange anecdote to use in a few years when recounting past mistakes. However, Bella was different. She was unlike anyone he had ever met and that, to him, was what made him send the text message. She was too exceptional to just leave behind.

Conceivably, it wasn’t the best way to let her know that, despite the world being at odds against them, what with her father added onto the list with Rose, her lawyers and of course the terrible excuse for a human being, Irina. On the other hand, it was probably an accurate manifestation of how serious Edward felt about this girl. It was strange how they could both feel this way so quickly and so suddenly. But how can anyone really explain the connection they feel to the person that they love? It just happens, Edward thought, and it just did.

He waited for Bella’s response as he drove up to Seattle, relishing the long roads of nothing that were calming his psyche. He wasn’t sure of how he wanted to respond; he just wanted to let her know that he was still going to be there for her, if she would let him.


I'll put up the rest of the chapter on as soon as I am done making the edits.
Lots of love,

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Non E/B: "What Happen's at Charlie's Wedding" by Velvetbutterfly

When I want to start a fic, like most other people in the fandom, I veer towards AH Edward/Bella. I don’t know what it is, but it’s just natural. It’s like human instinct. Sort of. However, that soon became a little bit repetitive and even though yes, I still love E/B stories and I know that all of mine are E/B, I must admit that the last time I looked for a fic, I was looking for a different pairing (Oh my God! Not Edward and Bella? Are you crazy!?)

So I have decided that from now on, I am going to try and find as many good NON BELLA/EDWARD stories and read and review them for everyone. I already have a few on my mind so far and I want to spread the love. But there was one that I had to share with you straight away because I even loved this in my Bella/Edward days.

"What Happen's At Charlie's Wedding" by velvetbutterfly


When I came across this story, I was intrigued by the Carlisle/Bella pairing. After watching Twilight and New Moon, there was no doubt that Peter Facinelli who plays Carlisle, was what some consider a DILF (Dad I’d Like to Fuck). There have been many story attempts where Edward is the older man (yes, I am a victim of writing older Edward – God love him) but I simply could not imagine Edward being Bella’s father’s age. As in the same age as Charlie (Eww! Gross!) Therefore with this fic I found that Carlisle was the perfect character to base the forty year-old best man that twenty-three year-old Bella falls for in “What Happens at Charlie’s Wedding.”

The Carlisle/Bella relationship begins with Bella and her best friend Alice returning to Forks for Bella’s father, Charlie’s wedding to the beautiful Esme. Carlisle is Esme’s brother in this fic, so he stays in Forks to be Charlie’s best man and there for his sister on her big day.

Carlisle is the sexy surgeon, of course, and Bella is the hot young 23 year old newly single after escaping the love-rat James (standard). The immediate sexual tension heats up rapidly between the two, and before they know it, it turns into a secret passionate relationship.

However, it’s not just fluff-filled lemons with the hot surgeon, oh no. As the actual wedding draws closer, Carlisle’s son, Edward, and his friend Jasper also travel to Forks and surprise, surprise, Edward also becomes infatuated with Bella and pursues her until no end. And then, one beings to wonder whether it will turn out as a Carlisle/Bella story after all, or just another E/B escapade.

Despite the awesome smut and fluff that VB provides us, there is something else in the storyline which really drew me in and separates this fic from most of the others I’ve read. That is the father/son relationship between Carlisle and Edward. There’s evident hate on Edward’s part towards Carlisle because of the absence of his mother, and Edward’s attraction to Bella isn’t all what it seems. There are unresolved family issues between them that are absolutely heartbreaking and the emotions that are captured her are fantastic – a father’s unconditional love for his son, the malicious ploys and lies told by Edward just to get his father’s attention, and of course, the mature-for-her-age Bella’s support for the man that she ends up loving (but which one?)

I found this story completely fulfilling to read. It was a (hot!) emotional rollercoaster throughout and I really found myself becoming closer to the characters. I enjoyed the excitement of never knowing what was going to happen next, which is something that I do find rare in stories nowadays, not just in fan fiction. The only thing that irritated me with the story was the slow updates, but it’s okay now because it is complete!

So if you want to read something different other than your E/B story, something intense, something thoroughly enjoyable, then I suggest that you read this straightaway.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 14 Teaser

The sun was shining brightly through her window for once, there seemed to be birds singing a morning song, and everything seemed different; because today was different. Bella pulled her covers from her, swung her legs over to the side of her bed, stood up and smiled.

Today was her eighteenth birthday.

She looked at her alarm clock to see that it was 9.00 AM already, which was a little confusing as on every other birthday, Charlie had woken up before he had gone to the station so that he could wish her a happy birthday and give her a gift. However, she then noted her truck in the drive and assumed that was her present this year, despite being given it for graduation.

The last few days had been tough with Charlie. It was now Friday and they hadn’t really spoken much in the week at all. Suddenly, Charlie was spending more time in La Push with Harry Clearwater and sometimes coming back after Bella had retired to bed. It wasn’t completely unusual as she was used to spending time apart from Charlie as he was on the police force and was on call 24/7. This week, for some reason that she couldn’t work out, Charlie had been somewhat distant.

She brushed it off as just a coincidence though, and concentrated on her upcoming birthday – the big one-eight. She saw that there was a piece of paper left on her bed before she headed down for breakfast. It was from Charlie.

Didn’t want to wake you. I’ll be back at 4.00 today. Don’t do anything stupid, Bella.

Stupid? Her? She frowned as she tried to decipher what her father had meant by it. He had never been concerned about what she was doing while he was work, so his words were a little curious, but Bella had been used to Charlie’s weird mood in the week, so again, she passed it off – even the fact that he hadn’t even said “happy birthday”. She had more important things to worry about.


Update tomorrow, hopefully.
Edie xxx

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Jasper's Naughty Girls

I have been rec'd on this website for "Unexpectedly". Check it out! Their site looks pretty cool, too. Gotta love some Jasper!

Friday 4 June 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 13 Teaser

More teasers coming atchya! Here is the one for Unexpectedly. Enjoy!

Work had been a chore on Sunday, but Bella decided to make the most of a quiet day and enjoyed the fact that it would be the last weekend that Bella was seventeen years old. After her hasty and painful exit from Edward’s house the previous day, she couldn’t think of anything better than coming of age so that he could see her in a different light; so that she could help him and maybe he could start seeing her as an adult and the person that she was, rather than the chief of police’s seventeen year old daughter.

Alice had recounted the previous evening in which Jasper had come by to ask her if she wanted to go hiking with her, so she was in a superfluously chirpy mood. Bella was pleased for Alice, but couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous of how simple their relationship was, even though there was a similar age difference. Bella wondered why intricacy had chosen her, but was thankful that it did or otherwise she wouldn’t have met Edward.

But now she was scared – scared for him and his family. She was also scared about them, and scared about how Edward would push her away once he knew that she was a definite high risk to losing Honey. She hated being a burden and she knew that it was definitely how she was acting at the moment.

Edward hadn’t contacted her since she had left that evening, but she of all people knew when space was needed. However, that still didn’t stop her going to the back of the shop every five minutes to check her BlackBerry.

After work was over, Bella left the shop solemnly and walked to the car park where her truck was parked. She fingered the key ring that her father had given her delicately on her keys; it was a tulip – her mom’s favourite flower.

Bella had begun to think about her mom even more than usual, recently. The close contact with Edward had done nothing but spark up the memories from the night her mother died which, in a way, terrified her even though her father promised that nothing would ever happen to her after it had happened. She knew that even though her father was on the police force and the fact that she didn’t go out much made her security a little more assured, she also knew that nothing was certain.

She could still be in danger.

As Bella attempted to brush her thoughts of anxiety and noted to herself that she had been safe for over twelve years, she found her car key and removed it from the rest of her keys to open the truck. However, there was already someone waiting for her at the door.

Edie xxx

Wednesday 2 June 2010

His Darkest Realms Chapter 4 Teaser

I'm sorry about the lack of updates at the moment - I am an official loser. I have a bit of a breather at the moment in real life, so I am doing what I can to write. In the meantime, here is a teaser of Isabella's and DoctorEC's first online convo. Enjoy!

I’m sorry Sir, I typed back as quickly as I could, my heart drumming to the sound of my blatant fear. What was I supposed to do? I could feel my heartbeat through my fingertips as they touched the keys on the keyboard.

I sat back in my desk chair, almost out of breath as I looked up to the ceiling, panting slightly. Why had I been so late? I looked over at the dress that I had laid out over my bed and I felt a slight pang of guilt that went with my uneasiness. It was odd for me to feel this flustered, but I liked it. It was making me forget.

The ping from my laptop was loud and abrupt; it almost sent me to the ground as I jumped out of my seat in fright. This was exactly what I wanted – adrenaline, fear and just to feel so animate. I looked carefully at the refreshed computer screen and almost tentatively opened the “patient review”.

Switch over to IM, Isabella. We will speak of your actions there.

Immediately and by order, I opened the IM service from the icon at the bottom of my screen, and instantly found an addition to my measly list of contacts containing just Alice, Angela, Mike and…Jasper.

I approved Dr. Edward Cullen’s request as soon as I could and then sat back again in my chair, desperately eager to find out what he was going to say next to me. What was he going to make me do? I knew that I had never met him before, but the tension of something, even over the internet, was driving my senses wild. I almost felt…amused.

Then, a conversation appeared.

Dr. Edward Cullen: Hello, Isabella.

I screamed inside. Just imagining my name falling across this guy’s lips was pretty much unbearable, and I didn’t even know what he looked like. Perhaps I was a little bit crazy. Fuck that, I was mental.

Isabella Swan: Hello, Sir.

I smiled smugly at remembering to call him “Sir”. I didn’t need to be in the shooting line for anything else tonight. I had obviously annoyed him enough already.

Dr. Edward Cullen: So, would you care to tell me why you were so late for our first meeting?

Crap. What was I supposed to say? Would it be right for me to answer in detail and truth or not to waste his time and just mutter some mildly believable excuse? I cringed as I chose the latter.

Isabella Swan: I was with my friends and we lost track of time. I’m sorry, Sir.

There, I was happy with that.

Dr. Edward Cullen: That’s not good enough, Isabella. Tell me another one.

I sighed deeply; I had made yet another mistake. Yet, I still wanted this, even though I wasn’t exactly the expert of being so submissive. However, I knew that to be subservient was also to be honest, so I was going to have to start doing that as soon as I could.

Isabella Swan: I was going shopping with my friends to buy a dress for a ball we have this Friday, Sir. I was going to be on time but when I saw one dress at the end I had to buy it and I didn’t notice the time.

Dr. Edward Cullen: You kept me waiting for a dress?

Shit. I knew he would be angry.

Isabella Swan: Yes, Sir. I am sorry, Sir.

Dr. Edward Cullen: Let me see the dress.


Hope you liked that little teaser. The rest of the chapter should be posted by tomorrow (Thursday) but if not, very due course.

Feel free to leave a comment below and follow this blog!

Edie x

Monday 31 May 2010

New Username + Blog!

I am really sorry about the confusion with changing usernames and whatnot. All my "bondgirl" accounts were fucking up because I had tried to get everything sent to my BlackBerry and I really have no clue what happened.

So, "edieswan" was born. I thought I would have something a little more original than "bondgirl" (yeah, Swan, reeeeaaally original) but also maybe something associated with Twilight, since that is what this is for.

I'm really sorry if this has irritated anyone, but I'm not going to be posting under "bondgirl" anymore, which means you should be following this blog rather than

Thank you for understanding girls. I appreciate it.

Edie xxx

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