I've been a bit MIA recently, and I'm so sorry! I've actually dropped out (sort of) from university because I was pushed into a course that I didn't want to do, so now I'm working my arse off for papers and charities, so that I can go for something a lot better next year - which means I am busy busy busy! However, I will do my best to update as hopefully, I should be studying Journalism next year.
Anyway, here is a teaser to keep you entertained in the mean time!
“Isabella,” he whispered again, trying to soothe her. Guilt came over him as he pondered on whether he had gone too far.
“Bella, Bella, Bella,” he tried, hoping that using the name that other’s called her might calm her down.
But it didn’t.
She wasn’t just sniffling into his chest, no, she was properly crying; actual sobs were coming from her. He held her face gently and brought it out from hiding in his chest. It pained him to see her face so tearstained and indignant. “What’s wrong, love? Please, why are you crying?”
She sniffed a few times before finally answering. It was hard to make out what she was saying when she was crying so much. “Everything…everything is just going wrong,” she sobbed. “Everything was so perfect….and now, well, it isn’t.”
Edward rubbed her arms, still holding her to his chest. “Isabella, I am so sorry. I thought you wanted… I wasn’t sure… I’m so sorry I did that. Oh God, I’m sorry.”
“No!” she screamed, which startled Edward. “That was perfect. That was everything I could have ever wished for. Its just now, we can’t ever do that again. Never.”
He sighed and pulled her back into his chest. “Oh, Isabella…” he sighed. “Don’t say such silly things.”
She sat back, and pushed away from him. “Well, what do you want me to say, Edward? We love each other and we can’t be together. You know, I may not have any experience with this kind of thing, or even know anyone who has, but I’ve, well, I’ve read enough books to know that there have been many situations like ours, and everyone always ends up okay. But us? Why can’t we? Why does nothing ever go right? I just want to love you, I want people to accept me and us, but after all my dad’s been through…”
“After all your dad’s been through? Really, Isabella?” Edward said, his voice raised. “Will you stop just thinking about your dad for once?”
She opened her mouth, shocked that Edward would say such a thing. He, of all people, should know how much family meant. “Edward, I can’t believe…”
“Look, I didn’t mean it like that. But he isn’t the only person involved in this. In fact, from my point of view, this relationship is only between two people – you and I.”
Bella thought for a moment, being silenced momentarily by the truth of Edward’s words. “But it still affects my dad. He worries what people will think of me – and you! There’s still Rose, and Honey, and Irina… and the whole town! There’s something not right about it all… it just… well…”
“So what? Are you really going to give up one thing that makes you happy just because of these people? Or is there something else holding you back? Because I think if you loved someone as much as you say you do, there wouldn’t be anything holding you back. So, please… enlighten me.”
“You don’t believe me?” Bella gave a loud and exasperated sigh. “Okay, so I don’t care about Irina and Rose as much as I used to. I’m not as scared of them as I was, okay? But my dad…he has been through a lot.”
“What about you? Have you not been through a lot? Are you honestly going to risk ever being happy so you won’t hurt your father?” Edward asked, attempting not to burst with frustration. He knew Bella was still fragile and couldn’t risk breaking her.
Bella then spoke softly and quietly, as if to herself. “It’s a little different than just hurting him. Everything with my mom…well, it’s complicated. I just know that he couldn’t bear to lose me, not after the way my mom was taken,” she sighed, her eyes welling up with tears again. Before she knew it, she was back into Edward’s arms and he was soothing her.
“Ssh,” Edward appeased.
“So it can’t be okay, Edward. How could I do that to my father out of choice?” she sobbed.
Edward stroked her hair. “Sometimes you have to do things for yourself, Isabella. I know he’s mad at the moment, but sometimes for love you have to…”
“My mom…” Bella began. “She loved someone before... and then she died.”
Hmmmmm lots of drama, I can assure you! See ya soon,
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Unexpectedly Chapter 17 Teaser!
Posted by Edie at 11:18 0 comments
New Facebook Page
You know those pages on Facebook where EVERYONE "likes" them? Yeah, well, now you can "like" ME! Muahahaha.
All you have to do is follow the link below and "like" it!
And no, this isn't just an ego boost where I'm doing this because I don't have any friends (I do have them, honest!) but you can actually ask me anything on here and use the discussion boards on the page to ask me questions on the story or ask other people what they think of something. It's pretty cool!
Plus, I will be posting loads of things on there. I find that Facebook is pretty much the easiest thing to use for me, so I can post links for when I update, photos that go with any of the stories and anything else that might be pleasing!
So I hope you "like" me (haha) and hope we can get Facebooking soon! Au revoir!
Posted by Edie at 11:13 0 comments