Monday, 29 November 2010

Unexpectedly Chapter 17 Teaser pt. II

“Edward,” Bella said in a stern voice. He hadn’t even noticed her in the kitchen. He looked up at her, blurry eyed and weak. He didn’t think he had it in him to cry again, but watching what he couldn’t have standing there was almost too much.

He looked away from her.

“Edward!” she shouted. The loudness startled him.

He looked at her, pained and perturbed. His tone of voice turned almost spiteful. “What has he said now then, Isabella? Is he going to lock you up inside the house and throw away the key? Is he…”

Edward stopped as he looked properly at Bella’s face. She looked absolutely terrified. Her face was completely tear-stained – but even more so than when he had been in the room with her. She had put her clothes on but she looked an absolute mess. Her eyes weren’t meeting his. She was fidgeting, she was hunched, she was scared and something was seriously wrong.

“Isabella?” Edward asked, leaning into her. “What is it?”

She looked at him, her eyes bloodshot and scared. “We have to leave.”

“What do you mean? Leave where? What did your father say?”

Bella rushed over to him frantically, pulling him from the chair. “We don’t have time, Edward! We have to go right NOW. Please, get in the car!”

Edward laughed as if bemused. “What’s the matter? If you’re father is angry about you coming over here then I will talk to him, I promise but please just tell me…”

Bella pinched Edwards arms as hard as she could so that he would stop talking. “Please, Edward. We need to go right now. It’s not my dad, it’s a lot worse. We need to get out of Forks right this minute or… or…”

“Or what?” Edward said, reaching over to the side for his car keys.

“Or I could be in a lot of danger.”


The new chapter is a little dramatic, but let's face it are there any chapters in this story sans-drama? Er, no. ANYWAY, almost finished writing this - sorry I've been so MIA. The new chapter should be up either today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading.


Friday, 19 November 2010

Where have all the updates gone?!

I can imagine that a lot of people are thinking: "What the hell has happened to you? Why stopped updating?" In fact, I've had many people writing to me and asking why I have stopped writing and am I still continuing. Well, the answer to that is - I am still continuing!

I realise that there have been some authors who have pulled their stories from and Twilighted because of a so-called database that collects fanfic stories and stores them so in case an author decides to publish that story, there is a place you can still read it for free.

I can understand why many readers will be disappointed with the authors for pulling their fics when they haven't been completed yet (I am sad at the end for Finding Bella by ekimmuh - it was one of my favourites!) but really, look at it from an author's point of view and try to understand what they're going through.

Writing Fanfiction, as I'm sure a lot of you will know, is extremely time consuming. Yes, you can complain about all these authors not updating enough, but imagine balancing a busy real life with writing! Professional authors don't finish a novel in a few days, it takes years to get it just right - as does Fanfiction. A lot of time and hard work goes into these stories and you guys get to read it for free. We don't get paid for writing Fanfiction and yet there are authors out there who are getting paid a bloody load of royalties for published work that in some cases, is worse than Fanfiction.

So, my view on this database is that if the authors want to pull the story because they could potentially be making a sum of money on their work, then so be it. It's a luxury that we can read these high quality stories for free so if the story stops, that's just bad luck for the readers I'm afraid. However, there is a silver lining in this cloud. If the author is pulling them to publish the story, then hopefully we can rightfully buy the book in the future!

So before you have a go at these authors, put yourself in their shoes! For all you readers & especially reviewers out there, imagine if you were told that your reviews were worth I don't know, a few hundred each, just so long as you took them off a website? You'd do it, wouldn't you?

Anyway, those are just my views. I've seen some abuse some authors are getting for this and I don't think it's right.

On the brighter side, I'm settling into my new job and new life now, so I'm planning on getting the Fanfiction back and running as of next week/beginning of December. Thank you all for being so patient.


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